Interactive public art installation
Washington DC, Shanghai, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Shenzhen, Wagga Wagga, Bournemouth, Milan

The Airship Orchestra is a mystical tribe of otherworldly characters beamed from the night stars, skin streaked with galaxy and voices like stardust. Visitors are beckoned inside the formation to bathe in volumetric sound and rhythmic light pulsation.

In full, our custom light installation showcases 16 inflatables (some up to six metres) extending over a 500 square metre area. The sound experience is its own spatial environment, immersing visitors in an arresting score written character-by-character for a full choir. The generative soundscape synced with light, creates an adventure that is aesthetically dynamic both day and night.

The resulting music is minimal and reflective, enabling visitors to conjure their own interpretation about from where the orchestra materialised.

As with all our work, there are intriguing details to discover such as friendly LED eyes that blink and follow visitors from creature to creature. These artful moments are underscored by rousing, rising rhythm that transports participants to another world.

Since 2019, the Airship Orchestra has toured extensively across Australia and around the world.

Airship Orchestra video from Washignton, USA

Washington Video of Airship Orchestra

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Modern Guru and the Path to Artificial Happiness – Interactive public art installation


CUPID'S KOI GARDEN – Interactive public art installation